Monarch Tagging Leader: Tracy McCleaf Bird Walk Leader: Chuck Parker PVMN Re-Cert Eligible This event is free and open to the public, however, registration is strongly encouraged. Please register below. September is the month that most monarchs will migrate through our region on the way to Mexico where they will spend the winter. The Monarch Alliance, a program of the...
Trip Leaders: Joette Borzik and Tracy McCleaf PVMN Re-Cert Eligible This event is free and open to the public, however, registration is strongly encouraged. Please register using the form below. September is the month that most Monarch butterflies migrate through our region on the way to Mexico, where they overwinter. In celebration of this amazing migration, The Monarch Alliance –...
Monarch Alliance Fall Milkweed & Native Plant Sale Contact: Sandy Sagalkin The Monarch Alliance, a program of the Potomac Valley Audubon Society, announces its Fall Milkweed and Native Plant Sale and Fundraiser! This will be held at Sunny Meadows Garden Center on Sharpsburg Pike on September 22, between the hours of 9 am – 2 pm. The sale is a...