Ora Dixon
The experience of completing the initial required 60 hours class and field work plus the 30 hours approved volunteer service hours for certification was the start of this incredible journey with her renewed connection to nature, citizen science, youth engagement, environmental stewardship, and community service. With a zest for learning, Ora has continued the requirements for recertification over the years, contributed to the formation of the Potomac Valley Master Naturalist (PVMN) Chapter, and assisted with numerous Master Naturalists training courses. One of her Master Naturalist Program favorite projects in which she had the opportunity to participate was the organizing and hosting of the “Alliance of Natural Resource Outreach and Service Programs (ANROSP)” national conference held at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) with PVMN was a sponsor. The ANROSP mission is to promote awareness and citizen stewardship of natural resources through science-based education and service programs. What Ora loves most about the Master Naturalist Program is that it has provided awesome networking opportunities to connect with other likeminded individuals with similar interests, to provide adult leadership, and mentoring opportunities to connect youth and young adult audiences to the great outdoors. These examples have afforded Ora with many chances that she have said ‘yes’ to the needs of the out-of-doors adventures in which she as a Master Naturalist have been able to ‘pay it forward.’