Janet Ady
At-large Member
Janet began her career with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the Environmental Education Center on the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge, then moved to Alaska as the regional Environmental Education Coordinator. In 1990, she joined the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV, in the design stages, developing education and outreach training and education programs. Janet then led the Division of Education, Interpretation, and Partnerships for the Bureau of Land Management Headquarters Office in Washington, DC, from 2016 until her retirement in 2020. Janet has a bachelor’s degree in Natural Resource Management, teaching credentials in High School Biology and Elementary Education, a Master’s in Natural Science, a doctorate in Sustainability Education (focusing on community science for conservation and positive youth development), and a certificate in Sustainability and Behavior Change (exploring what motivates people to adopt environmentally sustainable behaviors). Ms. Ady advises several national, state, and local level conservation and environmental education organizations; and joined the board of the Audubon Society of Central Maryland in 2021. Her passion is to connect people of all ages with their natural world to promote environmentally responsible behavior.