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Wellness Walk at Cool Spring Preserve
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Wellness Walk Guide: Krista Hawley, Adult Program Coordinator
This event is free and open to the public, however, registration is required. Please register below and note the following guidelines:
- Registration is required
- Outdoor only (use of an outside port-o-pot will be available)
- We require that everyone have a mask with them and masks will be encouraged when in a close group setting
- Respect the 6+ feet apart/physical distancing guidelines when possible
- If you are sick or have been sick within the past two weeks (or been around anyone else that is sick), please stay home
Let’s get outside and walk the trails together!
During the fall months, the trails at Cool Spring Preserve are teaming with a spectacular assortment of wildflowers. Goldenrod, Aster, Jewelweed, Ironweed, and more are the standouts in September. Join Krista Hawley, PVAS Adult Program Coordinator, on a walk around Linda’s Loop with a special side-track on the restricted Pond Trail that skirts the preserve’s marsh.
With an eye on staying mentally and physically healthy this fall, Krista hopes you will join her on her monthly Wellness Walks at the PVAS Preserves. Look for a trail walk at Eidolon in October, Yankauer in November and Stauffer’s Marsh in December.
Everyone is welcome to join our Wellness Walks! Please wear comfortable walking shoes and know that if it has been rainy, the trails may be wet and muddy in spots.
The group will meet in the parking lot in front of the Nature Center, 1469 Lloyd Road, Charles Town, WV.
Please contact Krista Hawley at or 681-252-1387 with any questions you may have.
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