Become a PVAS Weed Warrior!
PVMN Continuing Education Eligible
If you want to volunteer at our nature preserves, but can’t make it to the scheduled volunteer workdays, this training is for you!
Our Land & Conservation Manager – KC Walters – will lead this PVAS Weed Warrior Certification training. Certified Weed Warriors will be given the knowledge and the tools needed to tackle invasive species at the preserves on their own schedules. Plus, they will be connected with other Weed Warriors to work together.
After successful completion of training, participants will become certified PVAS Weed Warriors! This certification comes with distinction, an awesome t-shirt to wear while performing duties, and exclusive access to the best tools of the trade. Additional trainings will be held over the summer based on interest. Please be sure to pre-register for this training using the form found below.
If you have any questions, contact KC at