Storytime with the Turtles
Storytime with the Turtles
Join us for a short nature story and then help us feed our three turtles, Louie, Poppie and Scute.
Join us for a short nature story and then help us feed our three turtles, Louie, Poppie and Scute.
This programs has sessions available for ages 5-7 and 8-12 Single child: $12 members/ $15 non-members. This program will explore our connection to nature through the lens of the visual arts. We will discuss the variety of ways environmental art can take shape and how it can heighten people's appreciation and understanding of the natural world and our role within […]
This event has been cancelled in an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19. One of the telltale sounds of early spring is the high-pitched peeping chorus of Spring Peepers, 1.5 inch long frogs that make a big sound. Join us for an evening guided hike at Cool Spring Preserve as we learn about these wondrous amphibians and listen for […]
Tune in every Monday from now until the end of May for a new addition to PVAS's "Nature Now!" video series. The series includes educational videos that discuss nature topics and show children how they can explore nature in their own backyard here in West Virginia's Eastern Panhandle. Some videos will include crafts or activities, as well as supplemental worksheets […]
We’ll discover the many different animals hatch from eggs, then go on an egg hunt for eggs painted like real bird eggs!
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