February 8th was a BEAUTIFUL birding morning! Wil and KC couldn’t have asked for a better morning to conduct their semi-annual Climate Watch survey of the 00560 square which includes survey points at Cool Spring and Claymont. They saw and heard so much more than just their target species. In the 6 sites surveyed at Cool Spring, they observed 5 White breasted nuthatch, 2 American goldfinch and 1 Eastern towhee, announcing himself with the classic “Tow-hee” call we all know and love in the spring. Unfortunately, no Bluebirds were found at Cool Spring during this survey. In the 6 sites surveyed at Claymont, they observed 3 American goldfinch, 4 White breasted nuthatch and had a brief encounter with another Eastern towhee. They also saw Bluebirds as they made their way up the driveway but unfortunately, that flock didn’t make it into one of survey points. Wil and KC are planning their spring survey for May 16. Birders interested in joining the Climate Watch effort are invited to join them! Email KC at katelyn@potomacaudubon.org to get involved!
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